WPA Leadership Grows

2020 hasn’t given us a lot of reasons to celebrate, but here at WPA, we are.

When the organization grows, the need for leadership grows as well. WPA has filled three new Board positions and one new “Corporate Board” seat. Everyone is learning their new rolls and diving into the work needed to keep WPA growing.

Terry Hatcher and Liz Huey are teaming up to help revamp and streamline the WPA Advocate team. We’re really excited to have them on board as our Advocate positions are a vital part of our organization and the frontline to the public in sharing about WPA.

As a resident of both Australia and the US, Tatiana Fox will assist Ivonne Montealegre in developing the business relationships Internationally and coordinate the business division in the US.

New to WPA is our new “Corporate Board” seat. We’re proud to announce the partnership with Poker Powher whose mission is to “Flip the Table” by teaching one million women how to play poker! Their focus is on education and supplying a format where new players can learn and practice the game. WPA supports their efforts and feel the synergy with our two missions are in complete alliance. More so, their members are women. So membership in WPA is automatic. Poker Powher members enjoy all the resources and social programs WPA has to offer all of our members. Additionally, WPA Members can support and become involved in the mission of teaching women through their organization as well.

WPA is an all-volunteer organization and we’re always seeking individuals who can lend their skills and time to the betterment of our organization. If you would like to learn about opportunities to step into a leadership role, please feel free to contact us.

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