Sherry Pluskota

Sharpsburg, GA

 Jack of all trades, master or none….well maybe a couple! Proud mom of three children, two sons (Nic, Ed) and a daughter (Natalie). Proud to have been one of my mom’s care gives for the past eight years. Have a background in HR, Purchasing, Professional Learning, Professional Athlete Management, to name a few. Have the nickname of Peaches, cuz I sell Georgia peaches all summer long.

My sons got me playing poker. Spent a lifetime playing card and board games, never for money. My sons gave me a fifteen minute poker lesson and then said “lets go”. My response “where we going”. Sons: “to play poker in a bar league”. Off I went to my first Baptism by fire poker game. Finished third that day….and never looked back. In 2018, a friend offered me 10K for a ME seat, I refused….yes refused. Told him, I wasn’t ready for such an amazing gift, I mean if I’m going to play it I want to win it! So, the studying began and continues with the ME as a goal.

I soooo appreciate the WPA and LIPS organizations. The ladies and organizations involved, have survived the test of time. And will continue to do so, with their ever evolving attitudes and approach to gettin ladies involve in poker….long term. Paving the road of poker, and reaching back to help others do the same. Genius! Am looking forward to helping/supporting those approaches and legacies.

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