Industry Innovation Recognition – Jenny Just

Jenny Just – CEO Peak 6 and Founder of Poker PowHer – WPA Industry Innovation Recognition Award

Words from Jenny

Poker Journey: Unlike many of you, I did not grow up around a poker table. In fact, I am hesitant to admit among this talented audience, that I have been playing for less than one year! But what a journey it has been. Through our company PEAK6, we launched an initiative called POKER POWHER. We have a simple mission: teach one million women how to play the game. In doing so, we will flip the table and use the skills of poker to help women succeed in all parts of their lives–school, work, relationships. What began as a grassroots program to teach girls risk-taking, resilience, strategic thinking and confidence has quickly gained traction and now we host nearly 40 virtual poker clubs for our members who range from teenagers to grandmas. While my poker journey is truly just beginning and I know I have lots more to learn (including no more ‘limping in’), I can say that I love this game. I love how it has given me a seat at the table where I wasn’t sure I belonged, and most importantly, it has inspired me to help as many women as possible to sit beside me.

Thoughts on WPA/Impact on Women in Poker:

I am humbled and honored to be recognized tonight. Thank you. Early in the evolution of POKER POWHER, we realized that to be credible, we needed to partner with established organizations in the poker world. The WPA was our first call. Lupe, and all of you, have been enormous believers of our mission and vision. Through partnering our websites, the WPA has helped to increase our outreach to new members, new teachers and new supporters. By opening your network and answering our questions, the WPA has fueled our growth and impact. We stand together in believing that women deserve a seat at the poker table, and when they get it, all women will win. Thank you. 

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