Christina Black

Position: Board Member 
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada

Christina is originally from Boise, Idaho, but always knew her heart belonged a little closer to those sweet felt tables. Since 2018, she has resided in Las Vegas, Nevada, with her husband Zach and their children.

As long as she can remember, poker has always been a family sport. Her Dad took up the game, introduced his children to the competitive drive and patience of the game, and it’s now rooted into their family’s culture.

Since 2014, she had been a consistent player whether at small tournaments in Jackpot or in the big leagues in Vegas. Originally she started as a single mother to help make ends meet, and now she plays because of her fierce competitive nature and the many friends she accumulates along the way.

When not working and raising her family, she can be found at the poker tables! She is passionate about supporting women in poker and is thrilled to be a Board Member and the Raise it Program Manager for the WPA.

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