Jana Von Dach

Columbus, OH

Jana Von Dach is a retired elementary teacher and school librarian from central Ohio. She began playing Texas Hold’em in 2005 with her husband and 2 sons for family game night.

Jana joined friends playing in local charity poker tournaments that ignited her passion for the game of poker. In 2010, she finished 76th in the WSOP Ladies event.  “I have met the most wonderful, caring, and supportive people from all around the globe,” states Jana.

She would like to see more women in the poker rooms and poker tournaments. It is important that women unite and support each other in this male dominated sport. Jana continues to improve her poker skills through poker academies, seminars, and discussions with other poker players. It is important for women poker players to feel comfortable, safe and respected in the poker rooms, in poker tournaments, and at the poker tables. Jana believes that supporting each other through a professional association empowers us as female players.

Jana served as the WPA Board Secretary for three years and we thank her for her time, talent and dedication to WPA!

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