
WPA is an all-volunteer organization.  Each of us have special talents… and if you have some time and desire to help grow our association, please consider joining us and share how you’d like to get involved.

There are a many ways to support the WPA. Our mission to advance, promote and recognize the growth and development of women in poker is done by the time given to our advancement by our members.  Please review the opportunities and let us know where your interest lies. Thank you!

  • Committee members.  Lend your expertise by joining one of the following committees:  Educational Programs, Public Relations, Membership, Social Media, Advocacy.
  • Special Events Volunteer:  Special Events volunteers perform a variety of tasks including planning and implementing the event, greeting and checking in guests at the event, selling tickets and procuring merchandise for fundraising purposes, or performing other tasks according to need.  

We are in need of specialty talents.  We seek individuals with interest in the following positions:

Web Team
Understands both graphic design and the Word Press platform. Helps the development teams to keep the site up-to-date and prioritizes our needs. Helps contributors understand how to submit content.

Graphic Design Team
Creates visual concepts which communicates ideas that inspire, inform, and captivates our message. Assists in the development of the overall layout and production design for applications such as advertisements, brochures, website, promotional items and social media.

Business Development Team
To assist with developing new relationships within the industry and link our services to existing ones.

Volunteer Coordinator
Responsible for managing all elements of volunteering. Recruiting, traning, assignments and follow up.

Keep a record of the organization’s accomplishments and activities for the year. Collect items such as pictures and news clippings about the WPA and its members. Organize a digital scrapbook to tell the our story.

Bloggers share their experiences and thoughts with the rest of the world. Your published articles are around poker, poker travels, interviews, highlights, etc

Video Creator/Editor
Gather raw video or film footage to create video snap shots of events or programs WPA produces or participates in for use in promotions.

Social Media Team Member
Uses social media outlets for marketing to build our brand and increase WPA visibility.

Sponsorship Development
Develops and sells packages to businesses that want to market a product or service in association with an event or for our organization overall.

POY Casino Recruiter
Contacts Casinos and informs them of our WPA POY Program and encourages participation, provides information and coordinates reporting.

POY Spotlight Reporter
Contacts and interviews all POY Event winners and writes an article about them. Profile, experience and successes.

Program Committee Member
Works with the program committee to design programs and events that may be of interest to our member. 

It’s through the community of our membership that make our organization solid, respectful and amazing.  We appreciate everyone who works hard to grow the game of poker for women!

Please complete the form below so we may route it to the appropriate contact. We look forward to working with you!

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