
Women’s Poker Association (WPA) – is a global membership-based, all-volunteer, professional 501c3 non-profit organization formed to promote, develop, and professionalize the advancement of women in poker by heightening the exposure of current women poker players while encouraging and developing new women players.

WPA actively advocates for women in poker.  We bridge the gap between players and the industry by initiating conversations and avenues to elevate the experience of poker.

We seek opportunities to empower women thru conferences, workshops, training, networking and social events with a focus on community, education and skill development.

Founding Members

WPA Launched in 2018.  Without the support of the women who accepted the vision and believed in the mission of the WPA, we would not have been able to be where we are today. These women are our Founding Members.  We appreciate you!

Royal Flush Members

The Royal Flush members enrolled at the highest level of the organization.  They will continue to enjoy special benefits throughout the life of WPA!

Tammy Abraham
Marsha Adams
Laura Adler
Cathering Alford
Stevie Anderson
Angela Averett
Brizelda Blagg
Donna Blevins
Wendy Bowers
Sandy Brown
Stacy Brown
Twyla Bucholz
Leah Butler Brown
Jackelyn Camp
Bonnie Carl
Peggy Carlson
Terry Constantino
LaVelle Cooley
Donna Cooper
Debbie Espe
Vickie Eubanks
Jan Fisher
Lori Geer Smith
Leslie Grodin
Dorothy Haley
Michelle Hall
Mollie Hall
Ruth Hall
Terry Hatcher
Julie Herbert
Linda Johnson
Shelly Johnson-Ochoa
Michelle Johnson-Ochoa
Della Jones
Karyn Kaltman
Camille Kearl
Linda Keenan
Mary Kim
Lisa Lamping
Sabyl Landrum
Susan MacPherson
Janie Maddox
Suzanne Malavet
Laurie McGowen
Lynette Merrick
Bonnie Overfield
Sherry Pluskota
Chris Read
Michelle Reidy
Susan Rhodes
Pauline Rosen
Margaret Rowan
Rebbecca Scales
Joani Short
Julie Shozi
Lupe Soto
Emily Stinaff
Judy Taylor
Thea Temple
Jennifer Tokarek
Lisa Towns
Kat Trabert
Kathleen Twomey
Jana VonDach
Sheri West

Queens Members

RoseAnne Adams
Tracy Albee
Kittie Aleman
Dana Babel
Tabetha Berry
Claudia Bitner
Kathleen Brown
Kristin Bunde
Chellie Campbell
Robin Collins
Sharon Danzig
Elyse Davis
Jana De la Cerra
Sharon Fekete
April Floyd
Debra Gardner
Martha German
Jennifer Germany
Shelly Griffith
Liz Hagensick
Gail Hand
Bay Haught
Heidi Heimarck
Barbara Householder
MaryAnn Jarvis
Louise Jean
Kathi Kelley
Tina Lugay
Holly McWilliams
Beth Miller
Eileen Milligan
Rachel Morris
Kimberly Music
Kim Myers
Patti Newsom
Libby Ostrofsky
Penny Parker
Marcia Paulson
Estie Peiper
Lynne Perron
LoriAnn Persinger
Melana Petrack
Michele Puluti
Debbie Reynolds
Amor Rivera
Mary Ellen Roy
Lavonne Schaafsma
Danielle Scott
Kim Scott
Rita Sherrill
Hyde Sjogren
Donna Smith
Cathie Smith
Juli Sobka
Jane Strell
Terri Stricklin
Rene Summers
Linda Swears
Angelia Tate
Roni Taylor
Naomi Wagner
Stefanee White
Alexis Williams
Sylvia Wolf
Amy Yoakum

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