Every Touch Matters

I had a C.E.O tell me this in orientation for a bank I work for. And it couldn’t be more truer of a statement.

I have been playing poker since 2003. If I had to say my home base in Poker was located anywhere it would be Creek Entertainment Gretna. North Florida West of Tallahassee. We don’t have many women players in this neck of the woods.

Aggression in my game, Risk Taker, Impulsive Nature, and Name Recognition was what I was trying to develop for myself.

All that was centralized to “ ME”.

2012 Came and I hit my first Title with LIPS in the Florida State Woman’s Tournament at Best Bet. I was representing my “ home turf” of Creek Entertainment Gretna. Cat Fight was the name of the game, win it all and bring it home.

But I wasn’t satisfied. Many other cash runs and tournaments won or placed high wasn’t satisfying. I never was disrespectful at anytime but it was only about ME.

Fast Forward…………  Years of Psychology and Behavioral Analysis; I have learned its NOT about me in anyway shape or form. The game of Poker will play itself out. The results will be what they will be. But one thing we do have control over is how we left the people that we interacted with during those times we were in a hand together or in a tournament together.

Did I make them feel inspired, Did I learn something, Did I teach them something, Was I a good Influence, Did I listen to them tell their stories no matter how small or silly they might have seemed to me did I listen to them and make them feel of value?

That is where the real winnings come from. I started right after 2012 with every event I attended to make sure that my touch and my influence mattered and was positive. I didn’t need anyone to know who I was or what I play or what I have won……they can look me up or ask if they wanted too. I wanted to learn about them. Those that are NEW to the game , that are looking for positive role models, and those that are simply there to make a new friend.

Best line I’ve heard “ A lion never has to announce they’re a lion “ I couldn’t agree more.

Since I took my game through a complete 180, my results in winnings couldn’t be better. My Tournament Game is stronger than ever because I have only positive energy in my head……” too much mind “ will kill your game. Poker is a very special dance that has to flow symbiotically with your mental state and your energy with those around you. Don’t get me wrong I am still very aggressive with an iron fist lol.

Word of advice……It’s not about you, It’s about those you are around, and God Forbid if I were to pass away tomorrow………my thumb print or my touch to all that have crossed my path I would pray was inspiring, thoughtful, truthful, and influential.

Just remember that “ Every Touch Matters”, and we need more strong women out there in Poker with a servants heart to lead and inspire.

Written By:

Mary Darnell
WPA Advocate

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